2016- when Alaska came into my life:
One year ago I got my private Pilot License and I wanted to make use of it as good as possible. So I was looking for an Adventure!
I wanted to discover something new, but at the same time learn as much as possible about flying airplanes...
And like usually things just came together...I got to know Ken, a Bushpilot in Alaska, who helped me find a Piper Supercub that was affordable for me. The whole thing was a bit risky as I never met Ken in person before wiring all my savings to him to buy the plane, but I thought 'my life wasn't bad at all without having any money a couple of years ago, so even if I loose it now, life will be great'.
Ken invited me to live with him and his family for 3 months and teach me bush flying skills. Can't believe how lucky I was to meet this incredible person! Thanks Ken!!
So basically what I did in Alaska was jumping in the plane everyday, with my paraglider in the baggage compartment and learn to land in places unaccessible by car, as close as possible to mountains, to climb them and paraglide from the top. Of course this didn't work out very well in the beginning, but I learned fast...
Another challenge for me while being out there, was to document everything myself. I got a drone and a good camera and a couple of action cams and tried to do a good job, so people can experience Alaska almost as I did when I come back.
And this is the video to the story: Alaska from Above